FGN 2-17-05 Update
Webcasts: http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/247
Hi all, just a quick email,
1. Hideout Music Ministries, now playing
2. NRB Convention Details
3. Oneplace report (MP3 downloads)
4. Washington County Playback
1. The show with Hideout Ministries (Keith Teasdale) is now showing at oneplace.com. Click here to see it: http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/247/ .
2. National Religious Broadcaster's Convention (NRB). I just got back yesterday from this event in Anaheim, CA. It was very good for me. I learned so much about building the ministry, and got answers to questions I didn't even have.
I didn't know what to expect. I was afraid it might be corrupted, like TBN, on TV. To my surprise, the event was rather solid, with no sign of the greedy Prosperity (Health & Wealth) "Gospel" scammers around. I'll be putting much more info about this in the next few days. Can you imagine Benny Hinn sharing a stage with Joni Eareckson Tada? Benny Hinn's nonsense can't stand in the midst of reality. Joni appeared and gave a moving speech. This is key: correct application of Luke 9:23.
3. Oneplace downloads. January is my first month being hosted on the web at: http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/247 . For January, there were over (700) MP3 downloads. It will be interesting and exciting to see what kind of trend happens over the first 3 months. These are floating all over the world, literally. Some visitors are from many different countries, including Australia, Singapore, etc.
4. Here's the replay schedule for my last show, filmed last night.
Part 1, feedback from the NRB convention.
Part 2, Gospel presentation, with hand-drawings.
Here's the schedule (Washington County in Portland OR., only):
Sunday February 20
Ch. 21
Free Good News.com
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Monday February 21
Ch. 21
Free Good News.com
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday February 22
Ch. 21
Free Good News.com
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
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