Tue. 12-2-04 FreeGoodNews.com E-Letter No. 15
"You are a king, then!" said Pilate. Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."
1. Last Show: Christmas TV Coverage
2. Next Quarter, Q1'05
3. New Apologetics website
4. Next Show: Mormonism (LDS)
2. Next Quarter, Q1'05
3. New Apologetics website
4. Next Show: Mormonism (LDS)
Hi friends-
Last Show: Christmas TV Coverage. I changed my plan for the Christmas show. I decided to talk instead about a media report about how much secular TV time is devoted to Jesus Christ in December (it's the time that Christians celebrate His birth, after all). It turns out that of all Christmas-themed programming, less than 3% deals with Jesus, in either a main or superficial way. You can read the 2002 study here.
I also made a short presentation of the Gospel, "4 Spiritual Laws" style.
Next Quarter, Q1'05. I will do a new TV format (currently one 30 min. TV show every other week). Every other week I will do (2) 30 min. shows. The first will be on some spiritual topic, interviewing some expert. The second will be a presentation of the Four Spiritual Laws; I'll be presenting the Four Spiritual Laws over and over again... in an effort to demonstrate Christian basics...
I also made a short presentation of the Gospel, "4 Spiritual Laws" style.
Next Quarter, Q1'05. I will do a new TV format (currently one 30 min. TV show every other week). Every other week I will do (2) 30 min. shows. The first will be on some spiritual topic, interviewing some expert. The second will be a presentation of the Four Spiritual Laws; I'll be presenting the Four Spiritual Laws over and over again... in an effort to demonstrate Christian basics...
New Apologetics website. Please visit it and provide feedback. Click here to view it. The volunteer Webservant is Tim Mainwaring for this project. As we get donations for this specific project, we can develop it further.
Next Show: Mormonism (LDS). Preliminary plans include discussing the top-most three distinctives between Mormonism and Christianity with Robert Wilson, an LDS Practitioner, on 12-15-04. Click here for show times
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