FGN update, 2-19-05 (re-ignite the passion for Christ)
Webcasts: http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/247
Hi all, just a quick email,
One of the most impressionable speeches for me from the National Religious Broadcaster's (NRB) Convention was a speech by Dr. John MacDonald (click here to see his ministry at oneplace.com, called "Walk in the Word"). I didn't know of him prior to this.
The speech was an exhortation to do the work of an evangelist. Many times, even preachers get "burnt out" and need to get re-adjusted, or re-ignited. I found this speech very helpful and encouraging to me. I think it would be good to forward to your Pastor and missionary friends (I was told when I bought it that it was ok to pass around and even re-broadcast).
Click here for the MP3, or here for the Windows Media Player audio file.
Especially good for me was to hear him validate my views regarding the way of life for Preachers-- non-materialistic. In the audio, this is in the time range of 6:00-6:45. I consider this a small miracle, because I really needed to hear this for confirmation, and when he said these few sentences, he was looking right at me (the only time during the whole speech). I felt like God was talking to me through him.
The speech starts out pretty slow, so have some patience. He has a really funny "donkey story" in there, too. Of course, you lose a lot by not seeing the video, but I hope the audio is as encouraging to you as it was to me.
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