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Bernie Dehler is the Executive Director of To learn more about Bernie and the ministry, click here.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Thur. 11-4-04 E-Letter No. 11

1. Seeing the spiritual
2. Last show on tithing, comments
3. Next show on "greed" again
-- Benny Hinn
-- Campus Crusade for Christ
4. Blogging
Hi friends-

Seeing the spiritual. It seems like every time my show comes around, the work I do for my secular job simultaneously gets more demanding. After the show, I got a few hours to sleep, and had to arrive at work for a 3 am shift. This is very unusual for me, but it seems like something like this always happens around show time. Last time I got sick just in time for the show (a scratchy throat made it very difficult to speak)... This is one of the major reasons why I remain a believer; the supernatural gets revealed to me in these shows (spiritual oppression & victory). I have lots of stories about this from the shows I've done over the years...
Last show on tithing. The show went well. Again, there was only time for presenting about 25% of the info I had. However, this time I started with an overview and made sure we had a summary. I feel compelled to do another show on the topic, since I have so much material, and tithing is one of the biggest misconceptions and dangers in the Evangelical church today (Doug and I believe). On the one-hand, people feel guilty for not being able to tithe 10%, and on the other, they feel smug if they give 10% or more. The whole truth of "grace" and "stewardship" are totally missing or severely distorted.

I got four research books about tithing from the Seminary library, so I've been learning a lot about all of the aspects of tithing. It is a very deep subject, and it's interesting how it relates to many other subjects (such as grace, generosity, blessing, etc.).

The show was on Ch. 11 (throughout all Portland). The repeat schedule will be posted to the web, and repeats are shown in Washington County only (Ch. 21, Friday 3 pm and Sun. 10 am). In a month or two, they will all be on the web (video & MP3).

Future Shows. I'm going to make another attempt at my "church greed" on Nov. 17th. I've uncovered more info. One of the most flamboyant "ministers" is Benny Hinn, on TV. Ever wonder how much he makes? Some estimate between $500,000 to $1 million per year. Why estimate it? Because he doesn't disclose it, like other para-church ministries are required by law. Churches are exempt, so you can't find out how much your Pastor is paid. Benny's hiding inside the church, so people can't see him. I think it's a scandal. He may be a minister, but his primary income isn't coming from his congregation. He's using the rules to hide. You can be sure that if the IRS goes after him, he'll be claiming that he's being "persecuted."

A few people have asked me to look into "Campus Crusade for Christ" as a positive role-model. I know their work, and have supported missionaries with them. I think they have a good ministry. However, I can't get their financial info. Apparently, they are also hiding behind the "church rules" (they may claim to be a denominational ministry, which is protected just like churches). All I know is that they aren't disclosing their info publicly. I called them (and I'm still a donor), but I couldn't get to their business office, and they haven't returned a phone call from my voice message. Strange. I would like to know what's going on here...

Some of the best financially-managed ministries are "Focus on the Family" and "NW Medical Teams." Thank God for role-models! (I'm referring just to the financial aspect of executive compensation.)

Blogging. I'm working on creating a blog. They are really neat! It is a separate website with a format where I can post "hot topics" and people can leave comments regarding them.
See this website for setting-up a free one.

Some people usually these to write a book. For example, on tithing, I could write 5 articles, and revise them as I go. People can leave feedback, which I consider and use as desired. After a few months, the articles can become chapters, and there you have your book or pamphlet.
"Providing free materials for spiritual growth"


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