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Location: Hillsboro, Oregon

Bernie Dehler is the Executive Director of To learn more about Bernie and the ministry, click here.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Pastor Hagee Scandal (Feedback)

Pastor Hagee's Money Scandal Update

Pastor John & Diane Hagee

Pastor John Hagee

James 3:1

Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you
know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

Hi all-

I've been emailing some other prominent Pastors about the Pastor Hagee's million-dollar money scandal. By and large, they don't reply. I did get one reply, and I thought I'd respond to it and show you my response. This reply is from "Richard" with "Harvest Ministries" (Pastor Greg Laurie's church, in the Calvary Chapel denomination). By the way, keep in mind that Calvary Chapel is my favorite denomination of all the Christian denominations.

Below is my reply, followed by his original reply.

Letter 3: Bernie's Reply to Richard:

Dear Richard,

Thanks for your reply about Hagee's money scandal (Hagee pays himself over $1 million from his ministry's donors). Let me say upfront that I've emailed quite a few ministries, with virtually no feedback, so I appreciate your interest. Also, please note that Calvary Chapel is one of my favorite Christian denominations.

You seem to have 8 points. I'll list each one in red, then reply in blue.

1. "We cannot judge each other’s heart on how the Lord speaks to each one through the Holy Spirit on what we should and should not do in standing up against unrighteousness, unless it is clearly against God’s Word. "

I agree that we can't judge each other's heart. I'm not advocating that, either. If you feel that God is leading you to NOT rebuke Pastor Hagee, then I accept that; only I would like to know the Scriptural reason for it. Sometimes we do things on feelings, rather than God's wisdom. We should be able to help each other discern God's will. I do believe that that taking over $1 million from donors for personal gain is against God's Word. I can quote many, many verses against it. Here's a sampling (click on the link to read them):
Matthew 6:24
1 Timothy 3:2-4 & Hebrews 13:5. I have to wonder, if you don't think it's too gross to be taking over $1 million from donors, what would move you to righteous indignation? Two million? Ten million? Is there no amount to move you? Is it because greed is such an acceptable part of American life that we can no longer recognize it in our culture, even by Church leaders?

2. "In general, the Bible does not instruct us to make big protests against greediness, but rather the battle belongs to the Lord, and we are to do our part primarily through prayer, as we are taught from Ephesians 6."

Who said anything about a "big protest?" This is really about following our Lord Jesus' advice on how to rebuke a brother, see Matthew 18:17. When you say "our battle belongs to the Lord" I think you are referring to Old Testament passages, which teach that we are to rely on God, and not the arm of the flesh. I agree. But what does that have to do with confronting a brother in sin? I don't see a conflict, and if there was, Jesus' direct teaching is always superior to Old Testament types and shadows. Ephesians 6 is about spiritual battles, not about confronting a brother in sin.

3. "While we are to speak up against unrighteousness, it has become almost a given that Christians are more against everyone and everything than for them. We need to share His love more than His wrath."

I think it is important, as Christians, that we are balanced. We must speak of love, as you say, but also of righteousness and sin. Probably one of the biggest charges against Christians is hypocrisy. We preach Christ, who gave it all for us, yet turn a blind-eye to preachers who are guilty and steal from the flock's donations to God? I also agree that we don't need to go around telling sinners that they are sinners; they already know that. They need to hear the message of redemption. However, this is about confronting a BELIEVER and MINISTER OF GOD regarding sin, not about judging the ungodly. (I'm giving Pastor Hagee the benefit of the doubt, since he claims to be a Christian and attempts to preach the gospel, as he sees it. That he teaches a version of the corrupted & evil "prosperity gospel" will be saved for a later discussion. Click here to read about some of this theological issues.)

4. "Going up against greediness in the pulpit even with tact and dignity can bring about some serious consequences, so we are to count the cost. It is very easy sometimes to try to do the right thing but in the wrong way (Philippians 4:6)."

I've found that one of the consequences is that people will ask "well, how much do YOU make?" It's a good question, and I fear a question that almost every minister wants to dodge. Personally, after seeing these issues, I'm trying to be a role-model, and openly publishing all my financials (click here to see). As a nonprofit 501C3, this is required by law anyway, but still, most ministries seem to make it very difficult to find this information. Churches are not required to report this, so they don't. Could this be a major reason your ministry doesn't want to talk about it... not wanting to disclose executive salaries, since it is a church-based ministry? Philippians 4:6 talks about being patient and bringing requests before God... how does that relate to confronting a brother in sin per Matthew 18:17? I think this is being done in a patient way, and by God's leading (after all, God, Jesus, is speaking in Matthew 18:17, and this is the process that I'm following).

5. "The Lord Himself knows when to become physical, as in John 2 and Matthew 21, and drive out the greedy religious leaders."

I think we are to learn from the Lord. He told us how to view money. He told us how to rebuke those who are in sin. Why can't we listen and obey? I'm afraid that the reasons I see are mostly laziness, indifference, & cowardice. If you really love the body of Christ (the Church), wouldn't you do something when it has a serious problem? Is it a case of the hired-hand not caring as much for the church as the true shepherd (John 10:12)?

6. "For our part, it is usually better to simply share the message of the saving grace of the Lord, and allow Him to change the heart (Proverbs 15:1)."

Then I guess you don't follow all of Scripture's admonitions, just the easy part... to avoid controversy? Isn't Scripture useful for correcting and reproof? Because of your "hands-off" approach to correction, I suggest you meditate more on Matthew 18:17. Ask yourself: "Why did our Lord Jesus say this? What did he want us to do?"

I also suggest that you read and ponder this well-known verse, and consider it's actual application in life:

2 Timothy 3:16

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting
and training in righteousness,

7. "We are to be responsible stewards of where our money goes and how it is used. Remember that it all belongs to Him anyway, not just a portion of it. So when you give, give with wisdom, responsibility and rejoicing."

I agree completely. We are also called to be good "stewards." All Christians are a part of God's Kingdom; we are to love and care for each other. A good steward does not look the other way when he sees his master's money being stolen. The parts of the Body of Christ should be feeding and encouraging each other (1 Corin. 12).

8. "When necessary, the Lord will do battle with those that need it."

This is not about battle, but following ALL the advice in the Bible about rebuking a fellow believer, in the hopes of restoring both the individual and the health of the church Matthew 18:15-17 .

Richard, again, deep appreciation to you for at least reading the petition and responding... much more than many others do. I do hope that you'll reconsider and sign the petition to Pastor Hagee: .

By the way, I don't understand why Pastor Laurie is on the TBN channel (read this article to see the seriousness of it: ). TBN is at the forefront of corrupting the Gospel of Christ with it's false prosperity gospel of "health and wealth." By being on TBN, you are validating it's existence. If Satan had a Christian TV network, to pollute the gospel, would you join it? That's what TBN is; a polluted gospel network. I figure your ministry may respond "that is were many viewers are, so we hold out the truth to them." However, I think you are doing more to confuse viewers by validating the TBN TV network through partnership with them. It would be best to leave TBN alone and let them self-destruct (Philippians 3:19). You are helping to keep them alive by partnering with them financially through your productions.

Keep the good work in proclaiming Jesus!


Bernie Dehler (

Letter 2: Richard's Reply:

Hi Bernie,

Thank you for your recent e-mail to Harvest Online. My name is Richard and I am a part of the correspondence team for Harvest Ministries. I am responding to your e-mail on behalf of Pastor Greg Laurie and his staff.

We cannot judge each other’s heart on how the Lord speaks to each one through the Holy Spirit on what we should and should not do in standing up against unrighteousness, unless it is clearly against God’s Word. In general, the Bible does not instruct us to make big protests against greediness, but rather the battle belongs to the Lord, and we are to do our part primarily through prayer, as we are taught from Ephesians 6.

While we are to speak up against unrighteousness, it has become almost a given that Christians are more against everyone and everything than for them. We need to share His love more than His wrath. Going up against greediness in the pulpit even with tact and dignity can bring about some serious consequences, so we are to count the cost. It is very easy sometimes to try to do the right thing but in the wrong way (Philippians 4:6). The Lord Himself knows when to become physical, as in John 2 and Matthew 21, and drive out the greedy religious leaders. For our part, it is usually better to simply share the message of the saving grace of the Lord, and allow Him to change the heart (Proverbs 15:1). We are to be responsible stewards of where our money goes and how it is used. Remember that it all belongs to Him anyway, not just a portion of it. So when you give, give with wisdom, responsibility and rejoicing. When necessary, the Lord will do battle with those that need it.

Your brother in Christ


Letter 1: Email to Harvest Ministries asking them to read/sign the petition at . Simple letter of introduction, not shown.

Please continue to send me feedback on the shows, webcasts, articles, etc. to: .


For previous e-letters, click here or go to: .
PS: Free Offers (click here):
1. Free book download about what tithing was, and why it is inappropriate to teach it as a Christian practice today
2. Free Audio Bible on MP3
3. Free Bible Study Software, Bibles, and research tools
4. Previous webcasts, available for free download (click here).

Monday, August 29, 2005

Webcast & Pastor Hagee's Scandal Update

Jammin in Jesus

Ephesians 5:19
Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord,

Hi All-

The next live TV show for Portland Oregon is Wed. 9-7-05 at 8pm. For the replay schedule, click here or go to: .

Below is info on the current webcast and an update on Pastor Hagee's money scandal.


For this week's webcast, click here or go to :

More Transformed Music
Sunday, August 28, 2005

We put the transformed lyrics (Romans 12:2 style) to a number of music's greatest hits onto video. It is truly edifying to see these transformed lyrics (sometimes sang too fast to understand).
This week's hits include parodies of Kid Rock's "Cowboy," Papa Roach's "Last Resort," Ricky Martin's "Livin La Vida Loca," Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar on Me,"
The Barenaked Ladies "One Week," Matchbox 20's "Push," Aerosmith's "Walk this Way," Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven," and a few others. Music is provided by; lyrics put on the screen by . Visit to get some of these free music downloads.

Pastor Hagee's Scandal Update:

Pastor John & Diane Hagee
Pastor John Hagee

James 3:1
Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my
brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

You have a few more days to read and sign the petition (click here or go to: ). You have until 9-1-05 to sign, then I will deliver the open letter to him and his Board of Directors (which consists of himself, his wife, his son, and one other person).

Will you stand with me in confronting Pastor Hagee with his very public and high-profile sin of stealing from God's people? His donors gave to build the kingdom of God, not to give Pastor Hagee almost a $1 million dollar paycheck. Most Christians don't seem to know or care, that's why it's so easy for preachers like him to get away with it; and it encourages other greedy ministers to follow likewise. If you have a good reason for NOT signing, that's ok, but please don't let it be because of laziness or cowardice. Being a coward is a very serious sin:

Revelation 21:8 (God Speaking)

8But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

It's very difficult to stand-up to a fellow believer that is sinning. It wasn't easy for Jesus to stand-up to the religious leaders of His day and clear the temple (Matt. 21:12-13), . It wasn't easy for the prophet Nathan to confront King David in his sin (2 Samuel 12:7). But we aren't called to do what's easy; we are called to follow God's leading and be good stewards of all that God has entrusted to us (time, treasure, & talent).

If you'd like to see a TV show I did on this topic, you can download it now to your computer and watch it, just click here. I have over 20 points regarding why Pastor Hagee should be exposed and disciplined. Click here to see the MS PowerPoint slides.

Click here to see his almost $1 million compensation package (from GET's tax return, form 990). Click here for an old article that talks about this scandal... it's been a long time in the making. Article snippet:

With the dozens of men bearing glinting platters in the aisles, and six cameramen capturing the moment, Hagee instructs church members to hold their money toward the heavens. The thousands repeat after him: "Give and it shall be given." "When you give, it qualifies you to receive God's abundance," he tells his listeners. "If God gives to you before you give to him, God himself will become a liar. ... If you're not prospering, it's because you're not giving." "If you're not prospering, it's because you're not giving," he repeats. For four decades, Hagee's message has motivated his members to give millions to his ministry.

Want to learn more about Pastor Hagee? What does he teach, etc? For a good write-up from a critical Evangelical Christian perspective, click here or go to: .

Please continue to send me feedback on the shows, webcasts, articles,
etc. to: .


PS: Free Offers (click here):
1. Free book download about what tithing was, and why it is inappropriate to teach it as a Christian practice today
2. Free Audio Bible on MP3
3. Free Bible Study Software, Bibles, and research tools
4. Previous webcasts, available for free download (click here).

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Pastor Hagee's Scandal & Petition

Pastor John & Diane Hagee
Pastor John Hagee

James 3:1
Not many of you should presume to be
teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

Hi All-

I reworked and revised the petition, due to many discussions and prayer. The big change: rather than go to the IRS, the goal is to perfectly align with our Lord Jesus' advice in Matthew 18. This is implemented by:

1. Explaining the problem.

2. Writing an open letter to Pastor Hagee, asking him to repent and make amends for this serious lifestyle of sin/greed in his life and mishandling donor money.

3. Asking for witnesses (you) to sign the letter (petition) and stand-up to Pastor Hagee as a fellow believer. If he refuses to repent, we are not to treat him as a fellow believer in fellowship, but regard him as an unbeliever, according to our Lord Jesus.

Please go to the petition, read it, and see if you can sign it, if you haven't yet. Here's the petition:

It's very difficult to stand-up to a fellow believer that is sinning. It wasn't easy for Jesus to stand-up to the religious leaders of His day and clear the temple (Matt. 21:12-13), . It wasn't easy for the prophet Nathan to confront King David in his sin (2 Samuel 12:7). The choice: do you want to do what's easy, or do you want to obey God? It's bad enough that Pastor Hagee is a very visible minister, bringing shame upon the whole church (the body of Christ) by his greed. But he adds to that by condoning the sin by what is called "the prosperity gospel." Jesus said we can't serve two masters (God and money). Hagee says we can (as long as you give a minimum 10% to the church). What does God tell us? That we are to use ALL of our time, treasure, and talent as good stewards of God. We need to submit everything to God, not just 10% of our increase.

If you'd like to see a TV show I did on this topic, you can download it now to your computer and watch it, just click here. I have over 20 points regarding why Pastor Hagee should be exposed
and disciplined. Click here to see the MS PowerPoint slides.

To sign the petition (open till 9-1-05), click here. So far, there's almost 100 names, 1/10th of my goal. Pastor Hagee must be laughing, saying "see, who cares?" However, much good is being wrought by this, in that the news is going out. I firmly believe that it's impossible for this high-level sin to continue, and I think the crash will be mighty and loud when it happens... a mini-judgment day for him. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it ends up with some jail time for him. Speaking of jails and ministers, here's an article about the investigations with Benny Hinn (article) and Morris Cerrulo (article).

Some pastors have signed this, mostly friends of mine. Why won't more sign? Two reasons I've seen. One, they don't want to raise the issue, so people won't ask them how much THEY make... let's not go there... Two, some want to be positive-only. I consider this a compromise... I would call them "ear-ticklers" (see 2 Tim. 2:3, click here). They don't want to upset supporters or donors. Apparently, they fear man (or loss of income) more than God. Some fundraising experts say it costs about $20 to acquire a good email address, so they do what they can to protect these investments in donor acquisition!

Webcast Description:

Greedy Pastors
Sunday, August 7, 2005

Some prominent Christian pastors have serious greed problems, and they are not being confronted by fellow Christians, by and large. Bernie lays out the case why, as Christians, we need to take a stand against
this cancer in the Church. Bernie answers over 20 of the most common objections against standing-up to this immorality of stealing from God's people. These preachers are experts on Malachi Ch. 3, but act
as if they've never read Malachi Ch. 2! This kind of action by ministers really incenses our Lord to anger, as evidenced by when He turned over the tables in the Temple area.
Matthew 21:12-13 & Malachi 2:1-2

Malachi 2:1-2
"And now this admonition is for you, O priests. If you do not listen, and if you do not set your heart to honor my name," says the LORD Almighty, "I will send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not set your heart to honor me.

By the way, I found out that his church compensation, as Senior Pastor, is also disclosed on the G.E.T. tax form. From both ministries combined, he is taking well over $1 million of donor's money, yearly... money that was intended to build the kingdom of God. What will his donors think when they learn of this? We'll soon see...

Please continue to send me feedback on the shows, webcasts, articles, etc. to: .


PS: Free Offers (click here):
1. Free book download about what tithing is, and why it isn't appropriate to
teach it as a Christian practice today.
2. Free Audio Bible on MP3
3. Free Bible Study Software, Bibles, and research tools
4. Previous webcasts, available for free download (click

PPS: Here's an interesting version of Matt. 18:

Mattew 18:15-17 (The Message)
15"If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him--work it out between the two of you. If he listens,
you've made a friend. 16If he won't listen, take one or two others along so that the presence of witnesses will keep things honest, and try again. 17If he still won't listen, tell the church. If he won't listen to the church, you'll have to start over from scratch, confront him with the need for repentance, and offer again God's forgiving love.

Sunday, August 21, 2005


(Click here to read/sign the petition on this money scandal)
(Your info will not go on any junk mail list;
totally confidential!)
(Goal: 1,000 worldwide signatures in 1 month, due by 9-1-05.)
(Please, tell your friends.)

NEW, 8-5-05, click here to see/download the TV program where Bernie makes the case for action against Pastor Hagee. (To download to your computer, click on the link with your right mouse button and select "save target as.")

Pastor John & Diane Hagee Pastor John Hagee

Luke 16 (Jesus Christ speaking):
13"No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." 14The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus. 15He said to them, "You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight."

This petition is published by Bernie Dehler on 7-26-05, and will end on 9-1-05. You can reach Bernie be sending an email to or by calling him at 503-317-0746 (please call him, Pastor Hagee). This petition is a volunteer operation by volunteers; no money is requested or needed to finance it.

8-21-05: webcasts and Hagee scandal update

Hi All,

Recent webcasts are available here:

All past & present TV show downloads (video and audio versions) are available here:

Here's the description for last
week's show and this week's show

Is Religion Stupid?
8/14/2005 - Sunday
Bernie talks with RTB Oregon Chapter Leader Ben Clifton. At one time, Ben thought science had all the answers, and that "religion was stupid." Now when he looks at creation, Ben sees the design of God. Is religion stupid? Yes and no. What we want to encourage is not "religion," but "relationship," with God through Christ. For more info on RTB, go to:
Verse(s): John 14:16

Burned out on "religion?"
- Sunday
Sometimes Christianity can get into dead & dry legalism: going through the religious motions of church attendance and other church work. Where is the love and relationship with God? Bernie Dehler talks about this with Dave Yeubanks, the operator of the website. As you study both the Old and New Testaments, you'll see that God has always been calling us into a love relationship with Himself. Do you love God with all your heart, soul, and mind?
Verse(s): Luke 10:27

Pastor Hagee Scandal Update

Pastor John & Diane Hagee
Pastor John Hagee

On Aug. 3rd, 2005, I presented the information about the money scandal with a prominent TV preacher, John Hagee. You can download it now to your computer and watch it, just click here. I have over 20 points regarding why Pastor Hagee should be exposed and disciplined by fellow Christians. Click here to see the MS PowerPoint slides.

I recently found out that in addition to his almost $1 million in compensation from his TV ministry, Cornerstone Church also compensated him as Senior Pastor for over $370,000 (proof is in the link to his TV ministry's public tax return here:

To sign the petition (open until 9-1-05), click here. So far, there's almost 100 names, from multiple states and countries. The goal is 1,000 signatures by 9-1-05, when I will present it to Pastor Hagee.

Please continue to send me feedback on the shows, webcasts, articles, etc. to:


PS: Free Offers (click here):
1. Free book download about what tithing is, and why it isn't appropriate to teach it as a Christian practice today.
2. Free Audio Bible on MP3
3. Free Bible Study Software, Bibles, and research tools
4. Previous webcasts, available for free download (click

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Hagee scandal, TV show on 8-3-05 now available on the web

Pastor John Hagee
Pastor John Hagee

Hi All-

Last Wed. (8-3-05) I presented the information about the money scandal with a prominent TV preacher, John Hagee. It will be on my webcast this Sunday; click here for the webcast. You can also download it now to your computer and watch it, just click here. I have over 20 points regarding why Pastor Hagee should be exposed and disciplined. Click here to see the MS PowerPoint slides.

To sign the petition (open til 9-1-05), click here. So far, there's less than 60 names, but there are signers from 13 states and 4 countries. Goal is 1,000 signatures by 9-1-05, when I will present it to Pastor Hagee.

Webcast Description:
"Greedy Pastors"
Sunday, August 7, 2005

Some prominent Christian pastors have serious greed problems, and they are not being confronted by fellow Christians, by and large. Bernie lays out the case why, as Christians, we need to take a stand against this cancer in the Church. Bernie answers over 20 of the most common objections against standing-up to this immorality of stealing from God's people. These preachers are experts on Malachi Ch. 3, but act as if they've never read Malachi Ch. 2! This kind of action by ministers really incenses our Lord to anger, as evidenced by when He turned over the tables in the Temple area.
Matthew 21:12-13
& Malachi 2:1-2

Malachi 2:1-2
"And now this admonition is for you, O priests. If you do not listen, and if you do not set your heart to honor my name," says the LORD Almighty, "I will send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not set your heart to honor me.

Please continue to send me feedback on the shows, webcasts, articles, etc. to: .


PS: Free Offers (click here):
1. Free book download about what tithing is, and why it isn't appropriate to
teach it as a Christian practice today.
2. Free Audio Bible on MP3
3. Free Bible Study Software, Bibles, and research tools
4. Previous webcasts, available for free download (click here).

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

8/3/05: More on Hagee's scandal

Pastor John & Diane Hagee Pastor John Hagee

FYI: 8-3-05 PowerPoint slides for the TV show

Click here if you'd like to see my PowerPoint slides, 24 Q&A's on why you should oppose and confront Pastor John Hagee on the petition I'm sponsoring. This info is in the part 2 of the slides.

Please sign the petition at:

If you don't sign, Pastor Hagee will get the clear mandate to continue ripping-off his faithful donors, in the name of God and Christ, no less.

Next TV Shows
(Throughout Portland OR, Cable Ch. 11):

Wed. 8-3-05
8:00-8:25 PM (Part 1 of 2)

Interview with the author of "I want to stop smoking... so help me God!" Judy Simpson.

Wed. 8-3-05
8:25-8:50 PM (Part 2 of 2)
Bernie will present more info on the Pastor Hagee scandal, and encourage Christians to take a stand and let Pastor Hagee that we won't tolerate his greediness any longer.

Please continue to send me feedback on the shows, webcasts, articles, etc. to: .


PS: Free Offers (click here):

1. Free book download about what tithing is, and why it isn't appropriate to
teach it as a Christian practice today.

2. Free Audio Bible on MP3

3. Free Bible Study Software, Bibles, and research tools

4. Previous webcasts, available for free download (click here).