
My Photo
Location: Hillsboro, Oregon

Bernie Dehler is the Executive Director of To learn more about Bernie and the ministry, click here.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Mohr Free Good News: "Lion of Zion" music

Mohr good news.

Ever hear of the Christian Reggae group called "Christafari?" I just received verbal permission from the band's leader, Mark Mohr, that I can use their music royalty free, as long as it's from the "Lion of Zion" label (click
here to see their products). This is because I'm also using the music to build God's kingdom, and I'm not charging for my products with it. This is a major development!


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Tue. 10-26-04 E-Letter No. 10

2 Corinthians 10:5

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

1. Future Shows
2. E-sword Example
3. A life-changing question.
Hi friends-
Future Shows. My next show is with Doug Wilbanks on the topic of "Tithing." Then I'm going to make another attempt at my "church greed" topic. Then in December is the Christmas show regarding the origins and meaning of Christmas, and a show with a Mormon (LDS) about the nature of God (Evangelical Christian and Mormon viewpoints). See the front page of for the main links for these shows. I'm really looking forward to all these shows.
E-Sword: I look forward to doing a show on how to use this free Bible research software program (in Jan. 2005). With it, you can look up Bible verses in many translations, see maps, and use multiple Bible Dictionaries. It's really powerful. It's listed for download in my "free" section of the web (or just click here). I've been using this for research, and appreciate especially the Bible Dictionaries which provide concise descriptions of topics, such as "tithe" (click here to see one definition from this program). Let me know if you download and use this (I wonder if anyone is reading this).

A life-changing question. I took a course at my church about spiritual gifting.
Check-out this question, and ponder how you would answer it: What would you do if you knew you could do it with absolute success?
My answer:
"Providing free materials for spiritual growth"

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Feedback on 10-20-04 "Greed"

2 Corinthians 12:9

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my
power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

A few notes about how I think the show went.

I'm starting to come down with something, so I was going to take some cough syrup before I left for the studio. I forgot. So of course, I was having great difficulty trying to talk "smoothly." I was wondering if the viewer thought my voice was breaking because I was getting emotional-- but it was just that I had a lot of congestion.I was also thrown-off schedule because although I got there 1 hr. early, the "cop talk" show was using the studio before me. I had only 10 minutes to set-up. On the plus side, I got to see how they handle their phone calls, which may be helpful in the future.Finally, the last bummer, the time ran out too fast. I barely got through my introductory material. I didn't have time to get into the meat of it, or present a summary. On the plus side, I did share some important scripures, so at least God's word was planted. The next show on 11/3/04 I'll be covering "What is a tithe?" I believe most Evangelical Churches that teach tithing are teaching error. My cohost is a former elder of the church I attend, and he's also researched this topic. Just remember, it's not true that 10% of our income belongs to God. It ALL belongs to Him, and we are called to be good stewards. Forget about 10% or any percentage, and ask God how much and to whom to give it to.

"Providing free materials for spiritual growth"

later that day...

Great news!

I just got my first donation from a random TV viewer in Tigard. Thanks Bob! The $100 helps, but also the vote of confidence is nice. I'm still planning to get these on the
internet at in Nov./Dec. 2004.

After this show on greed, I got about 3 or 4 emails, all asking more questions or having positive feedback. I'm looking forward to trying it again, and doing a better comprehensive presentation. I'm definitely a work in progress.

By the way, I just finished my seminary class called "Leadership." Let me share a quote with you that really touches me, and I plan to make a poster of it for myself:

"Every preacher ought to be primarily a prophet of God who preaches as God bids him, without regard to results. When he becomes conscious of the fact that he is a leader in his own church or denomination, he has reached a crisis in his ministry. He must now choose one of two courses, that of prophet of God or a leader of men. If he seeks to be a prophet and a leader, he is apt to make a failure of both. If he decides to be a prophet only insofar as he can do without losing his leadership, he becomes a diplomat and ceases to be a prophet at all. If he decides to maintain leadership at all costs, he may easily fall to the level of a politician who pulls the wires in order to gain or hold a position."
(A.C. Dixon)

Combine this with the question: "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?" and you have a recipe for impacting the world in a major way.


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Tue. 10-19-04 E-Letter No. 9

Luke 16:14
The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus.

1. Getting Started (Next Show: Greed)
2. Future Shows

Hi friends-

Getting Started. Look at that verse, above. Can you believe that the supreme religious leaders at the time of Jesus were judged to have been lovers of money? Why they even tithed! Ok, don't get me started now... that's the topic for my show tomorrow night (Wed. 10-20-04). It will be on Ch. 11, 8-8:30 pm, viewable in the tri-county area.Thank the Lord, there are a few very noble large Christian ministries that are doing a fantastic job when it comes to REASONABLE exec. pay: NW Medical Teams, Coral Ridge Ministries, Focus on the Family, and Compassion International.

Future Shows:LDS: I'm working with an LDS (Mormon) to do a show talking about the nature of God according to our differing beliefs (trinity vs LDS concept). This should be a real eye-opener, and fun (I know, I'm weird to think this is fun!).Tithe: I'll also be doing a show on the true Christian view of "tithing," rather than what they teach or imply in most Christian Evangelical churches. I'll do this with Doug Wilbanks, my co-host from the Israeli Crisis series we did. We both attend Beaverton Christian Church, and he was an elder there at one time.E-Sword: I look forward to doing a show on how to use this free Bible research software program. With it, you can look up Bible verses in many translations, see maps, and use multiple Bible Dictionaries. It's really powerful. It's listed for download in my "free" section of the web (or just click here ). I've been using this for research, and appreciate especially the Bible Dictionaries which provide concise descriptions of topics, such as "heaven," "hell," and "tithe"...

"Providing free materials for spiritual growth"

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Thur. 10-12-04 E-Letter No. 8

1 Corinthians 9:18
What then is my reward? Just this: that in preaching the gospel I may offer it free of charge, and so not make use of my rights in preaching it.

1. Next Show: Greed.
2. Investing in me.

Hi friends-

Next Show: Greed. Oct. 20th is part 1 of "Greed in the Church." I'm going to talk about the epidemic of greed in Christian ministries today. We need to straighten this out amongst ourselves, so Jesus doesn't have to "clear the Temple" again... The more I look into it, the sicker the situation looks. Now I'm finding much scandal with Hank Hanagraaff "The Bible Answer Man." See this link for more info: This is why you won't hear prominent Christian ministries teaching about greed-- far too many of them have been disqualified because of their own greed.Yes, don't worry about me becoming too "judgmental." Worry instead about the church being too much like the Laodecian church judged by Jesus in Rev. 3:14-22 .

Investing in me. Some people have donated financially... thank you much! Even though it's not much, I take it as a vote of confidence. I feel that these investments are made personally in me... not some 'general gift' for some 'general good'... So far, all work is done totally by volunteers (zero salaries or pay). In fact, I'm by far the biggest contributor. Hopefully things will take-off next year when I have programs on . For now, I'm building-up the portfolio of (free) products.

"Providing free materials for spiritual growth"

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Thur. 10-7-04 E-Letter No. 7

Deut. 18:10-12
"Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD…"

1. The Halloween show.
2. Next Show: Greed.
3. Finding my groove.
4. Investing in me.

Hi friends-

The Halloween Show. I felt this show went really good. I arrived at the studio early, so I wasn't rushed, as I've been with the other two tapings. I explained the origins of Halloween, and discussed the issue of whether Christians should participate, along with sharing some relevent Old Testament and New Testament verses. I had a brief chance to also go over some basics of the gospel. Re-run times are posted on the web, as well as free articles about Halloween (origins, and the Christian response).

Next Show: Greed. I'm changing the topic for my next show, on Oct. 20th. It will be part 1 of "Greed in the Church." I'm going to talk about the epidemic we have of Televangelists and greed. I'll be covering the top problems and some of the excuses that are given for tolerating it. This is something that I'm feeling as a very strong conviction... long overdue for some judgment... This may be controversial, but I'm really getting passionate about it. We need to straighten this out amongst ourselves, so Jesus doesn't have to "clear the Temple" again...

Finding my groove. I think I'm starting to fit into a new format: presenting a topic, solo, for a 25 minute episode. Each episode presents some Old and New Testament passages, to plant some seeds.

Investing in me. Some people have donated financially... thank you much! Even though it's not much, I take it as a vote of confidence. I feel that these investments are made personally in me. The hope is that I can grow into a mature Televangelist. There, I said it! I'm a Televangelist! Oh man, that hurts... Why does it seem like that's the most shameful occupation someone would have to confess???

"Providing free materials for spiritual growth"

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Sat. 10-2-04 E-Letter No. 6

2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

1. The Islam show.
2. Financial Update.
3. LDS Connection.
4. Halloween.
5. Free Bible software and study tools.

Hi friends-

Islam Show. Talk about weakness (see verse above)... Someone asked me how the show went. I gave it a 'D' grade; not for what it was, but what it could have been if I wasn't doing this as a part-time project. I'm learning I still need to scale back my expectations until I can do this full-time. This Scripture is encouraging for me-- the weaker I am, the more God is glorified... the more I realize I need God's help to carry out His work... Re-run dates and channels are posted on the web. We did one show, and two others that will be played later.

Financial Update. On the good side, my TV expenses for Oct.-Dec. are turning out to be less expensive than I forecasted, by a few hundred dollars (a misunderstanding of sorts). I think too many media ministries are corrupted with greed, so I posted my financials online, and hope to have the integrity to continue this practice as the ministry grows.

LDS Connection. I re-established contact with a representative of the LDS (Mormon) Church, and I look forward to doing another show with him. I did this a year or two ago. At that time, I gave him about five of my top concerns about the LDS church, in terms of theology, history, archeology, etc., and let him respond to each.Halloween. My next show, this Wed., is all about

Halloween. What are the origins? Can Christians participate? See my links for all the (free) info.

Free Bible software and study tools. I've been using e-sword, and I love it. It's totally free; just download it from the internet. Visit my "free" section of the web to get it yourself. Included in the tools are maps, Bible dictionaries, and commentaries.

"Providing free materials for spiritual growth"