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Location: Hillsboro, Oregon

Bernie Dehler is the Executive Director of To learn more about Bernie and the ministry, click here.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Webcast: Greed 1 of 2 (repeat)

Pastor John Hagee On my webcast this week, I'm replaying a presentation I made earlier in the year regarding greed in some well known Christian ministries. My aim is to help Christians be better stewards, so besides exposing some of the worst famous greedy preachers and ministers, I also point out and list some of the more noble ones, such as James Dobson and "Focus on the Family." Dr. Dobson is a great role model of corporate responsibility. Contrasting that would be Pastor John Hagee (photo, left), who siphons out almost $1 million from just one of his ministries (he's also Senior Pastor of a church with undisclosed income).

Click here for an analysis of the 1-20-05 study of executive pay for 27 high profile "media ministries." See the best and worst!

As Christians, we really need to grow up, look around us, and support those ministries that are acting responsibly, while sending a message to the "abusers of the ministry" that we won't tolerate their nonsense anymore. The "bad apples" are listed on my "greed blog":

Click here to see the webcast:

Greed, #1 of 2
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Bernie Dehler shares his opinion about greed in the church at large, today. How different than the early disciples who gave it ALL up for God (Luke 12:33; Luke 18:28; Acts 4:32-35). Some "ministers" need to be reminded that we cannot serve both God and money.
Matthew 6:24
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Please continue to send me feedback on the shows, webcasts, articles, etc. to: .


If you would like to make a tax-deductable online donation by credit card, click here. You can also send a check to this address:

2373 NW 185, #123
Hillsboro, OR 97124-7076

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Eminem, converted, 6-19-05


Hi All,

I don't listen to a lot of modern rap. Most of it I don't like. One famous song is Eminem's "Slim Shady." What would this song have looked like, if it was instead written by a Christian? The Christian rock group, Apologetix (, shows us. With their permission, their version (parody) is available on my webcast, and I put the lyrics on screen so you can really enjoy it. The talk is very fast, but I find it very intertaining, and even inspirational.

Click here to see it immediately on webcast:

You may have difficulty if you have only a dial-up modem. For dial-up, If you want to download it, for free, click here:

Please continue to send me feedback on the shows, webcasts, articles, etc. to:

If you would like to make a tax-deductable online donation by credit card, click here. You can also send a check to this address:
2373 NW 185, #123
Hillsboro, OR 97124-7076

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

6-15-05 FGN Feedback

Email Feedback

Hi All,

I wanted to send an encouraging email I received. When I preach the gospel, I like to give examples of what's good and bad, passing for "Christianity" these days. This letter says it all (unedited):

Hello Bro Bernie,

First all I want to thank God Almighty who has lead me to your web site, what a wonderful and a great teacher you are. Today was the second time to listen to you and I can't agree more to what you said regarding greed in churches.

June 28th this year will BE my fifth birthday in Christ therefore, I'm still young and I continue to learn from servants like you. I was a Catholic before my salvation and really the word of God was way far away from me than I thought. When I got saved the Spirit of the Lord which dwells in me helps me discern who are true Bible believing Bible teachers and some who use it for their own gain. It so shameful how the devil has blinded believers to having flocking to these huge churches which teaches prosperity and faith movement. "believe and receive" "name and claim" "confess and possess" doctrine. I'm so disgusted how greed has caused some preachers not to fear God anymore. How can someone stand on the pulpit or TV and openly deceive people with no fear at all, leaves my mouth ajar. I don't listened to TBN and never will because of that. Jesus who is the standard of righteous has nothing he possessed, why have we failed to learn from Him. Preachers claim to teach the gospel but yet pick and choose what suits them. It is amazing how these prosperity teachers have omitted the bible from their teachings, and if they quote it will be twisted to fit in their message.

It is so disgusting how believers go and put money on their feet believe they will receive a hundred folds, shameful indeed. I suppose they base this on the book of Act when people brought money and their possession to the disciples. The part these greed preachers missed is, that the disciples shared all what was brought to the needy.

True this country is blessed beyond measure. It is surprising to see people who doesn't know the Lord pouring their hearts out to help the needy. I wonder if you watch secular TV but on Primetime show, on ABC, they aired an interview. Diane Sawyer interviewed this famous actor Brad Pitt who is now gear and fired up to eradicate poverty in Africa. The showed some clips on his recent trip to Ethiopia which was so depressing indeed, then almost towards the end of the program, they showed his huge mansion and asked him if will live there anymore( I supposed they asked him that because he has recently been divorced). He said "someone else will live there, after I have seen first hand how people live in African and how accepting their are of the unimaginable lives they live, I cannot live in such house anymore".

I thank God for what I have, a rented apt (roof on my head), a job (providing all my needs) a car to take me to and fro to wherever I want. What else can ask for. the bottom line is; whether you are a billionaire or a content person like me is, one can only sleep in one bed at a time, drive one car at a time, eat one one place at a time, be in one place at the time and the list goes on. Greed which causes us to want and want more blinds us to see that at the end all is garbage. I enjoyed all your jokes today especially the man who took gold to heaven.

I will continue to pray and support your ministry in anyway I can. People like you are the ones we should support because you're in the service of the Lord truly for the lost souls not for you own gain.

May the Lord continue to bless you and your ministry, to proper abundantly by His grace. Be strong and courageous, said Paul, God did not give you the spirit of fear but of power and of sound mind.

PS: Sorry if I wrote to much, I couldn't help myself. By the way, you are the first preacher I've ever written to. I normally don't but you touch me with your wonderful message I couldn't resist, again, THANK YOU FOR YOUR WONDERFUL WORK.

Please continue to send me feedback on the shows, webcasts, articles, etc. to:

If you would like to make a tax-deductable online donation by credit card, click here. You can also send a check to this address:
2373 NW 185, #123
Hillsboro, OR 97124-7076

6-15-05 TV Show Feedback ( &

6-15-05: Bernie, Phillip, & Keith
Hi all-

I just got back from doing two shows. The replay schedule is below. Obviously, if you see this show, I am no polished TV personality! However, I believe that something is better than nothing, and these shows can be cleaned-up later for re-runs (shown 6 months later), and webcasting.

First 25 minutes, Show #1:

Bernie talks to the owner/webmaster of . Sometimes people leave church or the faith because "doing church" gets old and tired; there's seems to be no spirit. Dave and his website works to freshen-up the personal faith and relationship with Jesus by other means. Yes, the secret is out; there's nothing holier about meeting in a church rather than a home or other place. We still need to gather, but at a church building isn't the only option. What's vital is a relationship with Jesus, and growing in the love/knowledge/growth of God's Word daily. Dave also shared a reason why one should accept Christ: because everyone is built with a God-shaped hole that only God can fill. We can try to fill it with money, lust, pleasure, etc., but none of it satisfies; only a relationship with Christ will give us internal peace.

Second 25 minutes, Show #2:

Keith and Phillip explained the music ministry of Hideout (see They had many great concert shots on video as they were talking. Keith and Phillip also shared what Christ has been doing in their lives.

Here's the playback schedule:
(Ch. 21 is for the west-side only, Washington County, Or.)

Friday June 6/17/2005 Ch. 21 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sunday June 19 6/19/2005 Ch. 21 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Monday June 20 6/20/2005 Ch. 21 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday June 21 6/21/2005 Ch. 21 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Friday June 24 6/24/2005 Ch. 21 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sunday June 26 6/26/2005 Ch. 21 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Monday June 27 6/27/2005 Ch. 21 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday June 28 6/28/2005 Ch. 21 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Friday July 1 7/1/2005 Ch. 21 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sunday July 3 7/3/2005 Ch. 21 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Monday July 4 7/4/2005 Ch. 21 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday July 5 7/5/2005 Ch. 21 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Please continue to send me feedback on the shows, webcasts, articles, etc. to: .


If you would like to make a tax-deductable online donation by credit card, click here. You can also send a check to this address:
2373 NW 185, #123
Hillsboro, OR 97124-7076

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Need help, a TV editor for web playback...

Webcasts are seen all over the world...


Hi all-

Look at this email I received today (from NJ):

"when will you update the archived tv shows?
i have already listened to them all."

I'm surprised that people are really looking for the message. There's a need. Problem is, I don't have the time anymore to edit the shows for web playback. Instead, I'm putting more time into show planning and prep. for the local TV shows. I need to either find a volunteer for this, or raise funds for an editor. Please lift this up in prayer; that I make the right decisions. My eyes are open for volunteers, and I do ask...

My next TV show is tomorrow, Wed. 6-15-05, cable ch. 11, throughout all Portland:

1. 8:00-8:25 pm: Interview & testimonial with Dave Yeubanks, web ministry:

2. 8:25-8:50 pm: Interview and stories from Hideout Ministries:

These shows will all have a major evangelism component, by asking the guests why/how they came to Christ, and what Christ has been doing in their life lately.

Please continue to send me feedback on the shows, webcasts, articles, etc. to: .


If you would like to make a tax-deductable online donation by credit card, click here. You can also send a check to this address:
2373 NW 185, #123
Hillsboro, OR 97124-7076

Thursday, June 09, 2005

6-9-05 Caught a fish today


I caught a fish today!

Matthew Ch. 4
18As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 19"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." 20At once they left their nets and followed him.

Today, I received a viewer response (45 yr. old woman) from a gospel presention on the web (first shown on TV in the Portland area):

" Thanks to your minisrty I am a NEW believer and therefore a NEW person, PRAISE THE LORD. I can't believe I ever lived without Him. He is so kind and awesome to wait for me without destroying me for all the bad things i have done. Will you send me a Bible? I don't have one. Thanks for your internet radio broadcasts."

I asked her for more info, and she replied:

"I was raised in the catholic church where we only learned the law but after getting a computer and discovering your misistry quite by chance (divine intervention) i heard the gospel and saw the light! thanks for being there. i will look forward to my bible and will spread the good news to all!"

Yes, we will send her a Bible. A team member of this ministry has donated the time, materials, etc. for such a response.

Please continue to send me feedback on the shows, webcasts, articles, etc. to: .


If you would like to make a tax-deductable online donation by credit card, click here.
You can also send a check to this address:
2373 NW 185, #123
Hillsboro, OR 97124-7076